11:42 PM

WeLcoMe M3 to ThE bLoggiN WorLd .... :)

Posted by dr. G - totz

Hello my dear frens n bloggers….aft a yr battle, I've decide and made my mind to step in to the blogging world :).. As I’m very new to this blogging planet, I hope my fellow frens will guide me throughout this journey…thanks in advance…

Well, since I’m a beginner, I shall start blogging about what I see, what I feel and what I think…may b, more like a diary where I could share the "adventures" life I'm experiencing in India and the ppl over here :(…its been a year plus I’m being in India (studying here), I still can't get along with ppl, the culture and the atmosphere… lots n loads of stories to b shared…will update soon on tat…lets back to d story…

I’m not too professional writer as I always hate writing essays ever since my school days…so dun expect some good prof English without any grammar mistakes in my writings :)….Please bare with my write ups and abbreviations… hehe…may this platform help me to improve my way and style of writings… guess tats hw many of u who now sun shining in this blogging world :)…

So, guys n gals reach you all soon with my posts…like it or not, my exams are ard d corner, so I might not be that active for time being….pls excuse my absence…but once I done with my exams, will back with nice interesting posts (keeping fingers crossed)…..


vickn3s said...

welcome to the blog-o-sphere, dr G!!!
happy doctors day!!

Jason Lioh said...

Welcome to blogsphere. Hope you will keep your blogging spirit up and not quit after 1 post (which happens all the freaking time).

And first of all, you could really make do without the aNnOyInG uP aNd DoWn AlPhAbEt WrItTiNg StYlE.

dr. G - totz said...

thanks 4welcoming me..n mr joson, will not do it again :)n tx 4pin poiting it... anyway, i told u, im beginner n need d guidance :)..

BMahendran said...

ahahaha the name says it all
Dr.G :) geeeeee! ahah

wellcome aboard ;) just have fun in writing your toughts

Novinthen said...

ah ha.. Kalembitayaann Kalembitayan!!

Suren@Achu said...

Welcome to the club... No worries, there is a lot of SIFU around here to guide you. Me still new for this world too. My Sifu is Mr.Vicn3s.

Novinthen it self one big Thaale here. Apa mau takut.

Yes as per jasonmumbles- Don't quit after 1 post. Like me... blog once in the blue moon...that one also some crabs.

Good luck bro.

Cmate said...

Welcome to the blogsphere!!!!

Hope you can share more of India with us... I don't get to travel out of Malaysia, expensive!

dr. G - totz said...

thanks to all of u...:)

-m3- said...

hello there..welcome to blog-o-sphere...

Have fun in writing...aikz..i c numbers of sifu tat had dropped by here.. so,no worries 4 u.. :)